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Roxanna Alfaro

Roxanna Alfaro Levicán (Arciva Arciv) 1973, Licenciada en Arte Universidad de Playa Ancha y profesora de Artes Visuales Universidad Andrés Bello.

Su trabajo pictórico de técnica mixta, nace desde el 2010, mientras residía en la ciudad de Puerto Varas.

Ha participado en diversas exposiciones colectivas, el 2021 expone individualmente en la Galería de Arte Municipal de Valparaíso "Trama Visible". Seleccionada en concursos de Pintura y el 2020 obtiene el 1er lugar en "PandemiAlma", de la Corporación Cultural de Viña del Mar.

Su particular técnica llamada "Hilocromía Pictórica", se basa en la ancestral técnica textil, de la trama y urdimbre. Pinta el Lienzo en óleo para luego cortarlo, transformándolo en la trama, que teje a los hilos de colores que conforman su urdimbre.

Su temática marcada es animalista, como un clamor por estos seres sin voz, que se van entramando en el tejido, como simbolismo de la responsabilidad que nos ata como humanos a los animales, en esta coexistencia planetaria.

Roxanna Alfaro Levicán (Arciva Arciv) 1973, Bachelor of Art in the Universidad de Playa Ancha and Professor of Visual Arts in the Universidad Andrés Bello.

Her mixed technique pictorial work was born in 2010, while residing in the city of Puerto Varas.

She has participated in various collective exhibitions, the 2021 exhibits individually at the Municipal Art Gallery of Valparaíso “Trama Visible.” Selected in Painting competitions and in 2020 she gets the 1st place in “PandemiAlma”, of the Cultural Corporation of Viña del Mar.

Her technique, called “Pictorial Hylochromia”, is based on the ancestral textile technique, of the weft and warp.  She paints the Canvas in oil and then cut it, transforming it into the weft, which weaves to the colored threads that make up its warp.

Her work is strongly influenced by her love for animals, she aims to be their voice while her pieces are being painted and weaved in her compositions, as a symbol of her responsability that linked between humans and animals on its planetary coexistence.

Roxana Alfaro


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